Monday, May 12, 2008

Barr The Presumptive Libertarian Presidential Candidate -- Nader Upset To Lose Grand Spoiler Title

Former Rep. Bob Barr says a number of Republicans have been trying to persuade him not to run for president on the Libertarian Party ticket, but none has given him a convincing reason.
--The Washington Times

Okay, first, no, I don't read the Washington Times (and refuse to link it here), but I came across this quote while looking up information on this story.

All I can say is, interesting. Very interesting. I love the quote above, especially the part about no one being able to give Barr a convincing reason not to enter the race.

For those who don't remember, Bob Barr hates Bill Clinton. Well, that's not fair. I can't say he hates Bill, but he sure did seem to enjoy himself with evil disdain during the impeachment era.

Apparently Bob hates the modern, wingnut Republicans as well. Okay, that's not fair either. But he sure has come a long way since joining Newt's Contract On America.

So Bob got a bit disenchanted with his party and its warmongering and civil rights violating ways to the point where he switched parties in 2006 and joined the league of extraordinary Cato Institute pot smokers (or at least pot approvers).

Another favorite quote of mine in this article is when the Newtster concedes that a Barr candidacy would give Obama the edge he needs to beat McCain. ("Bob Barr will make it marginally easier for Barack Obama to become president.")

So I'm in a mood more cheerful than I have been throughout this bruising primary season, and definitely since February 24 when Nader announced his 88th bid for the White House (and then hasn't been heard from since).

Bob still has the pesky Libertarian convention to contend with in ten days, but he's the odds on favorite to carry the torch for his new party and wear the spoiler label for the rest of his life, sharing the infamous title with 1992 winner Perot and 2000 winner Nader. (Oh the oddity that Barr would actually hire Perot's campaign manager, Russ Verney, as a campaign consultant!)

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