Friday, April 18, 2008

Despite What You Haven't Read In The Times-Union Lately, There Actually Is A Candidate Opposing Crenshaw

Few things shock me these days.

Call me cynical, seasoned, cold, insensitive, whatever. Sure, some of those labels fit at times, depending on my mood, the weather, or the score of a UGA football game.

But on occassion I can still be shocked, surprised and outright knocked on my rear (Oh my gawd, who watched Survivor last night?!?!? Ozzy, you moron, what were you thinking?!?!?! Now THAT was shocking!) Sorry, but I had to make a point.

As much as I don't get shocked over things that happen or occur, I get even less shocked by things that don't happen or don't occur. And conversely, when the unexpected of all unexpected occurs (poor Ozzy), yes, I may be taken aback and forced to eat crow, or the worm at the bottom of a tequila bottle, depending on the idiot wager I made that night.

So to bring this around to a point -- should I or shouldn't I be surprised that I've seen nary a word in the Times-Union making any mention of Jay McGovern's candidacy against Ander Crenshaw for his congressional seat, even though Jay circulated his press release and had his kick off event at Casa Marina ten days ago?

In this case, I'm not surprised, despite the confirmation from headquarters that, yes, the T-U has been made aware of Jay's campaign and, yes, the T-U has been invited, and even attended, a Jay function.

Oddly, and existentially, I would be surprised if I were surprised at the T-U for failing to print Jay's name in the context of his campaign as that would presume that the T-U in fact has any depth, soul, raison d'etre, dasein-like angst or some other metaphysical purpose other than to solely serve the favors and opinions of its editors, all of whom take the extreme right of center, Faux Newsish approach to journalism.

Now that's not to say that the T-U won't eventially get around to tossing Jay's name in an artical somewhere or sometime, perhaps come June or July when campaigns really kick into high gear, but I've got a tasty, tequila soaked worm in my kitchen that says if someone from the GOP had announced a campaign to unseat Corrine Brown, that story would have made the front page so fast and hard that we would have forgotten that we were still at war.

To be fair to the T-U, I haven't seen anything in Folio either.

**Colony Jax is in no way affiliated with the Jay McGovern campaign (I don't even live in his district) and the opinions expressed here are solely mine and in no way meant to reflect those of Jay McGovern or anyone else affiliated with his campaign. I'm sure there's some other disclaimer language I could use, but I can't think of any more right now.

1 comment:

Brian, Jen and Audrey said...

For clarification- Jay McGovern attended a Beaches Democratic Club meeting and a T-U reporter was there. It was not a Jay function per se.